Services > Grand Action Rebuild

Grand Action Rebuild

A grand action rebuild replaces or restores all parts and perishables of the action, damper action, trapwork, and pedals. New key coverings, new keys and keyframe, and replacement action rails are extras. As a sensible place to begin, we suggest an inspection ($150) to evaluate your piano and discuss details.

Since an grand action rebuild costs $20,000, we take a deposit and three subsequent payments to pace cash-flow and ease the financial exchange. It may be that a great result can be obtained leaving aspects of the action as-is (regulated but not restored or replaced). If so, we will help you find the best balance between improvements and budget constraints.

We only use best quality parts and materials. All parts are custom prepped to have appropriate friction, appropriate geometry, and appropriate weight for best performance and tone.

If you are interested in rebuilding or have any questions, please call at 978-369-0760 or use our contact page to get in touch.
