
Chris Brown RPT started as a piano technician in 1977 and has worn many hats in his career: college technician, concert tuner, rebuilder, private customer piano-care provider, teacher, and more recently, designer and purveyor of tools for the trade. 

In 1982, Chris moved to Concord, MA and worked there for 23 years. And what a great hub for piano work it was!

Then, Chris moved shop two towns west to Littleton, MA and narrowed his roles to grand action regulating and rebuilding. He assembled a team of experts to better provide both rebuilding and in-home services .

The team now includes: 

Jude on "bellies" and refinishing. 

Piaz Piano Movers for moving. 

Yoshi and Xiaodan for in-home work (mostly Yoshi since Xiaodan became head technician at BU!). 

And Chris on actions.

Night view of workshop 2